Share Rates

Share and Share Draft Accounts Rates

Effective March 1, 2025, and are subject to change.  View the full disclosure.

Account Rates & Terms Shares & Clubs Share Draft & Young and Free Money Manager I Money Manager II Money Manager III Traditional IRA & Roth IRA Share Traditional IRA & Roth IRA Share Traditional IRA & Roth IRA Share 
Dividend Rate .05 n/a 2.05 2.20 2.60 2.05 2.20  2.60
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) .05 n/a 2.07 2.22 2.63 2.07 2.22  2.63
Dividends Compounded Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Dividends Credited Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Dividend Period Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Minimum Balance Requirement (shares only)

Opening Balance

Membership Fee





Minimum Amount for Check Order $2,000.00 to $49,999.99 $50,000.00 to $99,999.99 $100,000.00+ $0.00 to $14,999.99 $15,000.00 to $49,999.99 $50,000.00+
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest  $25.00  n/a $2,000.00 to $49,999.99 $50,000.00 to $99,999.99  $100,000.00+  $0.00 to $14,999.99 $15,000.00 to $49,999.99 $50,000.00+
Balance Method Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average         Daily

*Annual Percentage Yield.  The dividend rates are subject to change.